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This course was intense! There were times where I was in the library for 6 hours!!!! I definitely realized throughout this course that procrastination WILL bite you in the ass. I am HORRIBLE at it. I would so much rather sleep, or go out with my friends than get something done ahead of time. I did this with this course a little bit, but I feel as though I managed to get everything done. It was very stressful having this class, Calculus, and 3 other lecture classes that was always busy work, but I definitely gave this class my most attention. I have always enjoyed English classes throughout high school and college, and I am kind of sad to see this be my last. I definitely learned a lot while taking 202 other than how bad it is to procrastinate. I learned that everyone has a right to be heard and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I enjoyed the fact that everyone did their research project on something that interested them, because that allowed everyone to get to know each other in class. I was very nervous in the beginning of the semester, because I tend to slack in school sometimes, and I did not want to disappoint myself or Marlen. It feels really good to be done this class, and actually feel good about my paper and the information that I presented. As much stress as this class caused me, I actually really enjoyed the process because I learned so much about HR that I did not know.

In the future, this class is going to help me with all papers in college. It will especially help me when I go to research something, and when I want to propose and educational argument. Overall, this course is going to help me the most with real life. Marlen has taught me to accept everyone for who they are, and never to judge a book by its cover. He taught me this in an indirect way, but its something that I feel I am going to take from his class and apply it to everyday life, like I already have noticed myself doing.

The most useful assignment that I did was definitely my literature review. I thought this process was long and horrible, but it gave me all the insight that I needed to make my paper a success. I realized that my literature review did not portray the information that i was looking to give, and this allowed me to build a stronger results section based on the intensive interviews that I conducted. The most effective feedback that I received was from Marlen because he steered me in the right direction when I had no focus. It helped me make my paper the way it is because of his insight on how he though I should approach it. I chose to focus on college graduates and I think that it made my paper ABSOLUTELY perfect in the way that it flows. The most difficult thing during my writing process was gathering all my thoughts and putting it into words. I found it difficult to organize my opinions from the facts because it all felt as though it was my information considering the amount of things that I learned through the process. The easiest part for me was conducting the interviews. I love talking to people, and I can carry on a conversation for a very long time. My interviews were originally only supposed to be 10-15 minutes, and instead they turned into an hour or so. I found my results section to be the most well written part of my paper because I had a passion for what I was writing and all the information I received just spilled out in an organized fashion.

This paper reveals the true responses from Human Resource Managers opinions about employees with drug and alcohol addictions. It overall juxtaposes with how management copes with employees who develop drug addictions after working for a company, and how the interview process is affected when a recovering addict applies. Research shows through the interview process, that employers cannot assume an individual is an addict without breaking the laws under the American Disability Act. This also explores how the importance of alcohol being legal and drugs being illegal have a huge effect on how management has to notice a decrease in work ethic before approaching any situation. In addition to the research this paper is focused for recent college graduates that are concerned with Human Resource opinions about the stereotypical college party student and the hiring process.

From peer reviews I learned what others actually thought of my paper, and ow I can improve it myself. This has allowed me the opportunity to be open minded about what the readers want to read, and how to make my paper more understanding for those reading it that are not familiar with my topic. Reviewing other peoples papers allowed me to see the approach they took, and how I could include the idea into my paper as well. It is interesting to see how others write, and I can feed off of that.

Writing up Research:


-Results are clear to the reader.

-Elaborate on results

-Talk about similaritiesin the data

-Agree with the results

-Be direct about result


-Discuss the results

-Allow introduction to play a role in the discussion

-How the experiment was formed

-Describe what makes this paper different from other experiments

-Explain the reaction to results


-Tie everything together

-Describe what makes the paper significant

-Summarize your thoughts

-Conclude positively

Other Articles


-Present what was found

-Save the interpretation for the discussion

-Use figures and tables if need be

-Use past tense

-Use a specific order


-Interpret your results

-Support the concluding evidence

-Explain if agree or disagree

-Suggest future research


-Summarize the main purpose

-Avoid new subjects

-Conclude thoughts and ideas appropriately

-Use an effective concluding statement

Results. (2003). Retrieved from

Caprette, D. R. (2007, August 20). How to Write a Research Paper. Retrieved from

How to Write Guide: Sections of the Paper. (2002).

After I combined my literature review, introduction, and methods page my paper is starting to look good. I can see which direction it is headed now after being able to see the paper written out and all together. I know that I need to edit everything and make it sounds ALOT better… I want my paper to sounds more intellegent, and I think that I need to edit my lit review a little more. From here, I will start editing everything and I cannot WAIT to do the interivews asap.

I am going to use participants in my research paper to interview and have a questionare for. Based on the interviews I will establish the rest of my paper. I have 3 people that I am definitely going to interview. Joe Soltis, Greg Meyers, and Deborah Simon are my guarantee applicants that I will interview. The three of them are all human resource managers at different companies. I will ask them these questions:

What are your thoughts of drugs in the workplace? What do you let slide and what is intollerable? How do you feel about an ex addict coming into the field? Is there drug tests involved during hiring? What drugs are tested? How often do you test your employees? What route would you take if an employee developed a drug/alcohol habit? Is there on site facilities to help them cope? What are the punishments?

These are just a few questions that I will ask them. I am hoping to let them talk mostly, and I will just take notes on anything they say. These questions will be used as a guide if need be. There is no dangers at all for the participants but I am going to protect everything they say in my paper by using their names as a reference. If they choose to be kept confidential, then so be it.

Writing up Research: Method and Research and Design


– What is the Purpose

– What is being researched and why was is chosen as topic

– What was the methodology and likewise why was it chosen

– Include what approach the writer could of done different, and why they chose to go the way that it was written

Common Problems

– Write information that is relevant to the topic

– Choose an audience and stick to it

– Use the same verb tense throughout entire paper

– The method will fit to the thesis in this order: Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions.

Writing up Research; Method and Research Design”. Language Center. 7 Oct. 2009. <>

How to Write the Methods Section of a Research Paper

– The methods section proves that the information is reliable

– Provides a description on how the material was written and researched

– Mentions what was used to accomplish the task

– Always using past tense

– How the data was analyzed

– How will the data be explained in the results section

Kallet, Richard. “How to a Write the Methods Section of a Research Paper”.Resipatory Care. 7 Oct. 2009. <>

I never even knew there was a method section to a research paper, let alone know how to write one. So after reading both I now have a much better idea of how to go about doing the methods section. I just need to get a feeling about what questions I am going to use in my method section and then I can actually begin the writing process.

Partners with Kate Scutzlas. Rubric attached as separate file.



1st Article

An introduction to a literature review clearly sums up an overview of the literature. There are four stages to a literature review: Problem formulation, which describes what is being brought to the readers attention; Literature search, that provides research; Data evaluation, which evaluates the research; Analysis and interpretation. which states the conclusion of the literature. The paper should provide an overview of the subject, division of works, an explanation of how each work is similar to one another, and a conclusion to which argument is best. Provenance, objectivity, persuasiveness, and value is important to consider when writing a lit review. Lastly, provide a definition of the literature and its use or purpose for being published.

“Write a Literature Review.” The Regents of the University of California. 1 March 2010. .

2nd Article

1) Clarify what exactly the professor wants out of the literature review.

2) Find articles so you can model how a literature review is conducted.

3) Narrow down your topic of what the literature review is going to be based on.

4) Make sure your sources are up to date.


1. Find a focus. 2. Construct a thesis statement that works. 3. Organize the paper: Intro, Body, Conclusion. 4. Organize the body to make paper flow.

Use evidence, be selective, use quotes sparingly, summarize, keep voice the same, paraphrase properly, revise, and cite your work.

The Writing Center, “Literature Reviews”. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. February 23, 2010 <>

1st Source


This article starts out with an introduction describing different ways to approach an intervention for a drug addict. This is not relevent to my topic, so I am going to start out with the first important paragraph that starts out in the introduction of the article, rather than summarize inimportant text.

The first important paragraph explains that people who struggle with depression and schizophrenia are able to get a job faster than an alcoholic. The next paragraph goes on to say that the point of the study was to find out how drug addicts are affected when looking for a job, and how management views the former addicts as job canadites. The writer of this article is determined to change peoples ideas on the relevence of interventions and how it can be more effective. It is going to take a lead into discussing the different types of social representations of drug addicts and how they are viewed from an outside standpoint.

The entire article is based on information gathered from a survey.

Selecting Companies and Making Up the Sample

Paragraph 1 and 2: They selected 70 company managers in Quebec City and Montreal to participate in the survey. They were voluntary participators and did an hour and a half interview.

Paragraph 3: Describes the main points of the interview . The workplace, and its policies.  The managers’ views on the substance abuse process in general, Current practices regarding the hiring and selection of new employees. The partnerships with social services and drug addiction issues.

Paragraph 4: This paragraph described the validity of the interviews and how the researchers recorded the information using a software that allowed them to use cross analysis of different variables.

Paragraph 5 & 6: Managers have a difficult time holding suspicion during an interview as to whether or not the person is a recovering drug addict, until they decide to give a drug screening test. Based on the structures of hiring, there are several different approaches and attitudes to the situation.

Central Elements and the Managers Discourse:

2 Main ideas: the vulnerabity of drug addicts, and how companys cope with it.

Paragraph 1: Drug addictions form from individuals who have had issues in their life and personal history that causes them to become dependent on drugs to escape reality. It is a way to keep isolated from society. Managers understand the concept on addiction and therefore know what types of problems that drug addicts cope with. This allows managment to create a specific image of an addict being a weak person and a disfunctional worker.

Paragraph 2&3: The person who is addicted must admit to their problems before confronting them because they will not admit that there is an issue, and this results in having trust issues within the company. If an employee cannot admit the truth to themselves then how are they going to keep promises and commitments within an organization? The answer is they cannot. In order to gain the trust back it takes a long period of time to function normally (without lieing, and disceiving others), in order to be trusted as a worker. Employers will wait months after the person becomes better to increase the likelyhood of not relapsing, and becoming stable.

Companies Essential Mission of Productivity:

Paragraph 1, 2, & 3: The biggest issue that managment will have with drug addicts or alcoholics is the reliability factor. They lack movement, attention, and judgment when they are under the influence. It is more likely for mistakes to be made as well. When the individual is approached, they will manipulate the employers that everything is fine in order to keep their job. Another worry is putting their addictions before work, because the addict simply will put their own personal needs first, putting the present before the future.

Paragraph 4: Substance abusers effect the workforce when it becomes a problem within the company. Being absent from work, lacking motivation, having no phsycial and mental capability, weakness, unpredictiveness, and the more likely to make mistakes is all factors that cause the company to fail and cost the other employees more work and time. If the drug and alcohol is used outside the workforce, and has no effect on the workers performance, then it is considered a personal issue and cannot be invaded by the company.

Work Related Factors to Substance Misuse

Paragraph 1: Stress about work, or unemployment are other factors that lead to drug addictions. When an individual feels that they are lacking in their ability to succeed and move forward, they become reliable on substances.

The Companys Duty to Demonstrate Social Responsibility

Paragraph 1: Sources are available within companies to help deal with personal issues. Several companies have social support from phycologists, support networks, and financial assistance. Company’s are willing to deal with ex drug addicts as long as the to companys profit and productivity is not affected.

Managers’ attitudes towards the integration of (former) drug addicts into employment

Paragraph 1: There are four different types of attitudes among human resource managers looking to hire drug addicts: the closed-minded attitude, the tolerant attitude, the ambivalent attitude and, the supportive attitude.

There is a separate paragraph for each approach:

 Closed-Minded attitude: Having a zero tolerance for drug addicts based on the reasoning that they are poor employees and they are not dependent as trustworthy workers. They see it as a high risk for the company to fail.

Supportive attitude: The idea to accept the individual of their drug issues based on different reasoning. Some managers find it to be descrimination if the person being interviewd reaches all the requirements and seems like a great worker, but they have drug addictions. There is a support system set up for these employees so they do not relapse and use drugs so that the company is not affected, and can continue productivity. The managers have a respective role to intervene if necessary.

Tolerant attitude: The managers are tolerant to employess who have served the company and have done great work that develop addictions through stress and work pace, and are willing to cope with their needs. Management, however, will not look to hire employees that have drug addictions because they have not proven good performance prior to so. It is classified as tolerant because management is fullfilling their responsability for employees.

Ambivalent attitude: Management finds drug addictions to be more of medical issue and needs to be dealt with by health institutions because the employee is in an ill stage. They want to help prevent the problem from becoming contagious in the work force and help reduce the impact in society.

Examination of the anchorage of social representations based on selected variables

 The individuals that were examined are not all active managers, but people with qualifications in HR or management.

 Training: Some managers have degrees in humanaties or social sciences rather than business. These people are more open to hiring recovered drug addicts. The training that one has when gaining their degree effects their overall opinion on coping with problems in different ways.

Gender: Women are more likely to have a negative perspective towards drug abuse than Men. Women tend to worry more about the overall risk of the company.

Company Size: It is more likely for larger companies to have more facilities to allow employees to go to for help and personal needs.

 The concluding paragraph is just a summarization of everything I just wrote.

2nd Source 

Reports highlight challenges of combating substance use in workplace

Paragraph 1: This introduces the article stating that information was gathered from a survey of HR professionals from the Hazelden Foundation.

Paragraph 2, 3& 4: Found that for the most part substance abuse occurs within companies that do not have drug testing policies. Some companies feel as though drug use is the biggest problem in their company, and others feel as though they have it completely under control. There is shame around addictions in our culture.

Paragraph 5 & 6: Some companies feel as though employee assistance programs is a waste of money. Businesses are finding that it becomes expensive, but still want to know if they can capture counseling programs within EAP.

**The second part of the article is cut off in the middle, and not accessable. Therefore I did not summarize the overdose section of the article. **

 SAMHSA Report

Paragraph 1: This is a study on substance abuse in the workforce

Paragraph 2: The food industry and construction has the highest liklyhood of encountering drug users.

Paragraph 3: Transportation businesses used to be the highest industry with drug users, and now since they have mandatory testing it is one of the least companies to have employees with issues.

Paragraph 4: Employees with drug problems are more likely to be absent from work more, and have not been able to keep a stable job.

Paragraph 5: Users are more likely to not want to work for a company that enforces drug tests.

Paragraph 6: If a company does not enforce drug testing, then they are more likely to have employees that cope with addictions.

 Hazelden Survey

Paragraph 1: There is a diconnect with HR managers that use treatment in the workforce and the assisting of employees.

Paragraph 2: Almost all HR professionals believe that substance treatment programs increase productive workers, but more than half believe that it does increase health care cost.

Paragraph 3: Companies do admit that they are not educated enough on addictions and drug use issues to cope with employees.

Paragraph 4: Some companies say that the chances of hiring a recovered addict is slim, and the other half disagrees.

Paragraph 5: Businesses that fire their employees when they find out of their addictions allows workers to wait until it is found out, rather than inform management to try to find help.

Paragraph 6: The top 3 negatives in having addict employees is skipping work, lack of productivness, and trust issues.

 Possible Strategies

Paragraph 1 &2: A workplace would become better if there was more resources for addicts. It is important to have access to treatment at the workforce, but it does make things expensive.

Paragraph 3 &4: Private treatment has gown down, and public treatment has increased in the past several years. It does create some problems for companies who try to rush their employees through treatment because is is less effective.

Paragraph 5&6: It is important to educate employers to encounter better recognition skills of drug users so that the company will be aware and have intervention options. It is proven that having an addiction treatment professional available to the workforce can be an active role.

Negura, Lilian. “Hiring Substance abusers: Attitudes of managers and organizational needs.” Drugs Education Prevention and Policy. 15.2. April 2008. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 February. 2010.

1. The introduction just breifly described what the article was about the the lit review is a summarization of every paragraph of the article.

2. The author hooked my interst in asking questions in the beginning, and then answering them throughout the journal.

3. a) The purpose of the journal was to describe the different ways that management could deal with drug users in the workforce. b) This is important to my paper because it is the exact topic im researching. c) Attitudes of managers. d) quantitative research. e) The results I found were good for my research. They will help me when it comes to writing my paper. f) Great journal, I would reccomend it to anyone.

“Reports highlight challenges of combating substance use in workplace.” Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly. 19.28. (2007). 1-3. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 February. 2010.

1. The lit review of this article just breifly states what it would cover. The introduction gave an overall statement on the results.

2. This article was in a newsletter and it had great headings to each column that described the information perfectly.

3. a) The purpose was to summarize a survey and the information that was gathered. b) The importance of the article was how different companies have benefited from having support for drug users and the expense it does cost. c) 2 studies that describes treatment and intervention policies in the work place. d) They used data analysis based on a study. e) The results were similar to my previous source and are going to be effective in my research. f) This source is useful in some of the articles, but there were certain sections that were not relevant to my study.